Friday, September 17, 2010

200 Years of MEXICO!

Mexico's Bicentenial was this week - September 16th!  JP and I, and friends, went to the Centro to celebrate!  It was wonderful!  Of course, we started out the night with "Antojitos Queretanos" (tipical Queretaro fair-food)

Jessi & JP with sweet tamales

Pam and Karen getting elotes

JP's favorite food booth!

Then we all crowded into one of the parks in the Centro - we didn't make it into the one in front of the State Capitol!
The governor gave the "GRITO" and we sang the national anthem.

Noe and JP in the park with THOUSANDS of other Queretanos!

And, what Independece Day celebration is complete without fireworks!

Fireworks over the San Francisco Church

Viva Mexico!  200 years!!
It was an unforgettable celebration! 

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