Thursday, September 2, 2010

Foreigners and Citizens

2010 has been (and will continue to be!) a seemingly never-ending year of "trámites."  (TRA-mee-tay)  I can't for the life of me come up with a good english word for that, but it's basically all kinds of government paperwork that requires you to: stand in lines, make appointments, suffer through "I'm sorry, the system is down" when you urgently need a document, travel to the city you were born in to physically receive a document, make payments in the bank, get a paper from the mexican IRS that says you don't owe taxes (that one took 25 hours in total), etc.  That's what a TRÁMITE is!

I am in the process of becoming a Mexican citizen.  JP is in the process of getting residency in the US so he can get his citizenship next year.  I know that sounds impossible, the vast majority of foreigners have to have residency for 3 years before even beginning the citizenship process, but thankfully we're not included in "vast majority!" 

We've done approximately 40 trámites this calender year, between JP, his mom and I.  I feel like i could be a facilitator for foreigners getting annual visas, residency or getting married; or do tax stuff for individuals after all this!  hehe! 

Anyhow, we're happy to be able to be in these processes so we can be able to live in either country without having to pay every year, or being nervous that laws will change and the foreigner will have to leave the country. 

Please  pray for us in these "trámites" as we'll have to continue going to Mexico City somewhat frecuently, JP will be travelling to Ciudad Juarez, and we'll have a small tour of a couple US cities (very much looking forward to that for next year!!) to complete these processes.  We want to do everything legally - even though it's definitely not easiest - and we have no idea how we will pay for all this or where we'll stay when we're in the US, but we're looking at it as an adventure!!

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