Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scary Christians

Why do we, Christians, sometimes have the notion that we have to be "weird?"  I mean, technically, Jesus was weird - he did and said things that were counter-cultural - like the "turn the other cheek" thing - it was supposed to be "an eye for an eye," but Jesus spoke about vengence and forgiveness in a different way that the culture dictated.

But why do so many Christians ADD rules to life?  Isn't that what the Pharisees did?  And why are we, sometimes, meaner, less careful with our stuff, or more legalistic than people who DON'T believe in Christ?  There is a fine line between setting a good example of a Christ-like lifestyle, and turning your nose up at those who don't know Christ and therefore don't live a Christian lifestyle. 

I have two examples from personal experience that rather irritate me along these lines...

1.  A long time ago, I worked in a restaurant.  I usually worked at night, but this particular day I was working at lunch time, and some ladies that I knew from a local church came in.  Apparently, they went to that restaurant every week after a Bible study.  I greeted the ladies by name, and a coworker took me aside and asked me if I actually KNEW those ladies.  Yes, I said, I know them.  Why?  And my coworker said, "They're CHRISTIANS.  They're always totally rude to me and I HATE it when they come in here!  I know you're a Christian and you're not like that, but I figured you didn't actually have anything to do with them!"  And, right on cue, one of the ladies came up to the counter and started going off on my coworker for putting some extra ingredient on her pizza.  I'm not talking, "Um, excuse me, this isn't what I ordered."  (Which is totally valid - if you didn't get what you ordered, tell the waiters).  It was more like, "Um, did you HEAR what I asked for?  I mean, it's really NOT that hard to remember 'pepperoni with mushrooms and olives,' and THIS has ONIONS on it!!  I can't heat THIS!  You need to give me another pizza NOW!  I shouldn't have to suffer through this crap."  Not.  Even. Kidding.  I was MAD that this lady, representing a Bible study group, went off on my coworker like that!!  I think a lot of times non-Christians do a lot better job of "being kind to one another" that those of us who claim to follow Christ. 

2.  I remember when I was little and recycling became something that was plausable for people to actually do in their homes.  A lot of people didn't want to do it...  too complicated, too much work, I'm too lazy, etc.  But CHRISTIANS should be the FIRST people to want to jump in with recycling!  God created the earth for us to use AND take care of.  We can't continue using natural resources if we don't take care of them first.  I remember a LONG time ago when the "spotted owl" was a big issue and cutting down lumber was getting to be frowned upon (this is in Oregon).  Christians were the ones saying that we should just cut down the forrests for whatever we want, they're there for us to use and we can do whatever with the forrests.  Some of my friends and I even made up a song: "Cut down the old growth forrests, make the spotted owl live somewhere else!"  I totally agree that animals should not have presidence over humans, but no human is going to die if we are more careful in the lumber industry and plant lots of new trees for the trees that are cut down.  It's part of taking care of God's creation - something that I get the impression that non-Christians do a whole lot better than Christians.  That seems incongruent to me since if we want to honor Jesus with our lives, we should obey God's commands...  Including taking care of His creations...

3.  Then there's the whole "dress code" thing.  Those who follow Christ DO need to be careful in how we dress - cover what needs to be covered.  But there are lots of "modest" clothes that are actually cute and rather stylish.  I used to go to a Bible study (GREAT study, by the way) where there were like over 100 women.  I was always one of the only ones in pants.  It was like there was a "uniform" of jeans jumpers (AUS: "jumper" is like a dress that you put on over a blouse) and flat dress shoes.  (This was only about 5 years ago!)  Why?  I guess because that's how good Christian ladies were "supposed" to dress.  I'm sure that if you went to the closets of 100 non-Christian ladies in the same age groups you would only find like 2 jeans jumpers that actually get used.  Yes, as Christians, we are called to be different, but not to isolate ourselves from all things/people who aren't Christians!  (Note the "purple jumpsuit missionary" for another example). 

It took me a long time to find a picture of a jumper, and this is not quite as bad as the ones I'm talking about...

The point: We scare people when we make rules and /or disregard cultural norms.  (Cultural norms that do no go against God's Word, that is).  Who wants to be a Christian if it means that you're going to turn into an old bag?  Or if it means disregarding what you know is right - like taking care of our resources - because it's all of a sudden not important?  Or if it means that you're subjected to a life of jeans jumpers and turtleneck sweaters?  Because I feel like this is the impression we give of what it means to be a Christian.

Just saying...

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