Friday, September 3, 2010


"Wait on the Lord."  "God will open doors for you."  "God works in His timing."

I agree.  Biblical concepts  by which we sould live.

But, many times as Christians, we take phrases like these and turn them into excuses to do...  NOTHING.  We graduate from high school and don't work or go to college because we're "waiting on the Lord."  We don't tell anyone about Christ because "God hasn't opened the door" for us to do so.  We turn into ZOMBIES - having that blank stare that shows that you have no clue what's going on, and following what everyone else is doing. 

We've begun a series in Infusion (Horizonte Church young adults' group) called Zombies.  Too many young people are falling into complete apathy and blaming it on "God not showing up," or "God hasn't given me the opportunity."

Let's take the story of Joshua as an example of correctly "waiting on the Lord."  Joshua was a young guy when the Israelites left captivity in Egypt.  At some point, he became a helper to Moses.  Moses and all the people "who were of fighting age" when they left Egypt were not going to be allowed to enter the land that God had promised the Israelites.  (Joshua could because he was obedient.) 
Anyhow, all the old guys are gone and the Israelites are set to go to the Promised Land.  But God tells them that they'll have to FIGHT to get into the land.  What's more, they have to walk around the whole city for seven days, probably while the people inside laugh and make fun of them, and maybe stand on the city walls throwing rotten vegetables and spitting on the Israelites.  (this is the Jessica version)  In the end, the Israelites race in to Jericho and kill all the people inside. 

So...  What if Joshua and the Israelites would've "waited on the Lord" in the same way many of us do now days?  They could've sat in the desert thinking, "well, God's going to give us this land, so I guess we'll just wait here outside the city until the people inside decide to leave and give the land to us."  Wow, there's a threat.  "I guess God hasn't opened the door for us to go into the city yet, but some day He will." 

Guess what!  "Waiting on the Lord" and "Looking for His open door" doesn't mean being lazy!!  The Israelite wouldn't have and  Holy Land today if Joshua would've been like, "well, ok, we'll go in to Jericho when the people decide to give us the city."  They took action and got their hands dirty!  "Waiting on the Lord" involves LISTENING to Him and TAKING ACTION when He gives us a promise or an opportunity.  We need to provoke things to happen.  I'm not at all saying that God isn't taking action - it He's not the focus of our lives, we might as well just forget about even saying we want to follow Him.  We DEFINITELY need to seek God's will.  But SEEK is a VERB - that means we have to take action!  If we don't ACTIVELY SEEK His will, how can we wait on Him?! 

So, we should shake off the Zombie-ness.  Zombies have been dead and are now alive (ok, THAT we don't need to shake off!), just like we were dead in sin, and are now alive.  But Zombies just do what everyone else is doing, following blindly with blank looks on their faces and not using words just grunts.  And THAT is what we DON'T need to be doing.

This is what we're learning in Infusion.  We hope and pray that it will impact the young people to TAKE ACTION!!  :)

We made a funny video about zombies who just follow what everyone else does.  I don't have the video, but we made ourselves up like zombies.  Some of us turned out pretty freaky-looking...  But the video was funny and served the purpose to show what we DON'T want to be like!

You only get one picture of Zombies, because the rest look like bad holloween make up and are kind of scary...
Pam, Lluvia, Amayrani, Brisa, and Karen doing their zombie make-up for the video!

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