Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving... Mexican Style!

We celebrated a fun Thanksgiving this year at our house with several friends.

Here's me preparing the pumpkin pie the night before with my trusty milkshake blender.  I'm creative, I don't need a mixer!  :)

Justin and Lluvia showing off some of the food!

We had chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, salad, and deviled eggs, with pumpkin pie for dessert!

Our guests - Justin, Lluvia, Jean Paul, Noe, Job, Anne, and I'm taking the picture

We had a good time eating, talking, eating, laughing, eating... 

And here's my favorite part of the meal...  I was making the pie and remebered that I never asked to borrow a pie pan from anyone.  So I chose the next best thing.  And it IS a PIE, not pumpkin bars, and it turned out GREAT!

We like Thanksgiving!!

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