Friday, December 17, 2010

Tacos With Friends

In December calories don't count, right? 
Jean Paul and I have this taco place, El Corral del Taco, that we just LOVE.  And we've been going there a LOT in the past few weeks, with different friends everytime.  We've been going to this place since I lived with Luis and Sandy before JP and I got married (because it's not far from their house, which means that it's not close to ours!)  We kind of know the owner now. 

We went to El Corral del Taco for Karen's birthday:

Just JP and the girls...  myself included!  haha!  (COLD december weather in Queretaro!)

And we went this week with Ramses, who hadn't yet had the Corral experience.  The owner gave us a big plate of "burnt cheese" for free!  Sounds like a booby-prize, but it's the cheese that's left on the griddle after the cheezy taco has been taken off...  SO GOOD!

We love our friends!  And Corral tacos too!

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