Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Navidad in Queretaro

Christmas time is always fun in Queretaro!  Since we have few family members living in Queretaro, and they were out of town this year, JP and I celebrate just the two of us, but by going to the Centro for the Bible-story-float-parade and the yummy food-booths!

This year we ran into Gaby and her dad!  I lived with Gaby and her teenage kids for my first two years in Queretaro!

Christmas dinner for us consisted of lots of street booth goodies!  This was the first time we'd seen pronto pups - JP LOVES them!!

And my favorite bread EVER - Pan de Acambaro!  It's very soft sweet bread with a few nuts in it, and the ovens are right there under the tarps on the street, so we get it fresh and hot from the oven!

We had a pretty laid back Christmas - the parade, sleeping late, watching movies etc.  It was good!

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