Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mini Mission Trip!

While the mission team from San Diego and Michoacan was here (see post below), the Horizonte Churches in Queretaro (our church) and Sta. Rosa (a town to the north of QRO) had an outreach event for the peole who live in the neighborhood of Horizonte Sta. Rosa.  About 30 people from Horizonte QRO came out, and a lot more donated food - free food always attracts people! - for the event.  About 180 children and adults came to the event in Sta. Rosa.

Clown show and songs for the kids!

This was the first time that many of the Horizonte QRO folks had been to an evangelistic outreach.

Behind the scenes balloon-making!

Marco, the Sta. Rosa pastor, shared the message of salvation in Christ.  Afterward, five people accepted the Lord!

JP and I wondered how many of the 180 people in attendance were from a church.  We asked Pastor Marco, who recognized the people from both churches, and he estimated that HALF of them were non-believers from the town!  That was encouraging because many times "outreaches" end up being events for the people of the church and hardly any non-church people come.  So this was different, and of course the five who accepted Christ made the whole things worth it, as well as the fact that now all those people at least know where the little church in Sta. Rosa is, and will hopefully come back!

I was also encouraged to see people from Horizonte QRO come out and help in so many ways - from making food, to leading songs and games, to being clowns...  There were several who had never been to an event like this before and really didn't know what to expect, but came anyway.  Ramses, one of the clowns, is the only Christian in his family and had very little idea what the event would be like, but did an excellent job with the kids!  Ruben, Cristina, and Adriana and her teenage boys are attendees of Horizonte who hadn't really been involved in anything except attending on Sundays, but they came and saw what an outreach is all about and jumped in to paint faces, serve food, make balloons, and pretty much help with anything! 

We hope to do a similar outreach in the town of Cadereyta (kah-dare-RAY-tah), where the mission team from SD/Michoacan went last week.  A lot of  people in Cadereyta are even hostile toward Christians, so we want to be able to help that church in any way possible!  We were so encouraged by what God did in Sta. Rosa, where Christians are not well received either, and trust that the Lord will work in Cadereyta too!

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