Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Santo Relajo!

Last week we had a pretty much amazing event at Horizonte Church - Santo Relajo!  (doesn't translate well in english, but it's like "holy mess")  This was an outreach event for youth.  Many of the Horizonte youth invited non-Christian friends, and we had quite a few young people from other Christian churches come with friends as well.  We had 70+ young people at the event, which included live music from *Sweet Emily* - two girls from Horizonte are the drummer and a singer in the group.  We had a super-mega-abundance of hot dogs, chips, hot chocolate, and cider for everyone, provided by the women of Horizonte and families of the young people.  We played lots of crazy games, and had a bonfire with the biggest marshmallows I've ever seen.  And most importantly, Pablo - a youth leader from another church in Queretaro - gave a message of salvation for those who might never have heard about Jesus' saving grace.  FIVE young people accepted the Lord that night!  We want to make sure to keep in contact with them to help them grow in their new faith!

Our invitation to Santo Relajo  (my pictures didn't turn out well, it was too dark...)

We're also planning a large Christmas party together with several other Christian church youth groups in Queretaro on December 18th.  It will be held at Horizonte, and will also be an evangelistic event!  We're excited about the partyyyyyyy!!

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