Monday, November 15, 2010

Nuestra Casa es Tu Casa

Our house is YOUR house! 

It's very common here in Queretaro, that when you talk about your house, you say something like, "Yeah, at my house... which is also YOUR house... we like to... blah blah blah..."  Or if you tell people where you live, you say the address and then, "That's where your house is for whenever you want to stop by." 

We really DO want our house to be used by others for blessings!  We generally have a good deal of activity in our house... which is also YOUR house...  hehe!... in the evenings.  We have people that we disciple over for Bible studies, JP's famous guys' movie nights with friends, JP's teachers come over for dinner, sometimes we have youth meetings and/or planning meetings in our house.  We're also getting a rather large stash of STUFF for youth group piling up. 

I LIKE this!  It's DIFFERENT for me!  Since I'm from the United States, I was always acustomed to having people over when it's PLANNED.  And that was never very often. 

Here, we frequently have friends (most of them being guys from the "guys' movie night!") stop by the house "conveniently" at lunch time.  The polite thing to do is invite them to eat with us.  Even though we weren't expecting them.  And being the good mexican wife that I am, :) I always have more food on hand for when this happens.  The mexican kitchen should never be without: rice, beans (already cooked!), limes, home-made salsa, tortillas, and eggs.  With these items you can extend a 2-people meal to a 6-people meal in 15 minutes.  We generally have a good 3-liter bottle of coke hanging around too. 

Now we're excited for Thanksgiving too!  We've lost count of the number of people we've invited, and aren't sure who's actually going to come and who won't make it (it IS at 3pm during a work-day).  I figure we'll have somewhere between 6 and 25 people...  just need to make sure that we have someone bring one roasted chicken for about every 5 people who come.  (We do chicken instead of turkey... way easier and cheaper!)  And maybe say it's a BYOC day (Bring Your Own Chair!) 

JP showing off last years' banquet for 9:

So come on over!  We'll hook you up with some food and 2 square meters of floor space to sleep on!  :)

And you can help us out with this the huge pile of youth group STUFF that we acquired recently - these three HUGEEEEEEEEEEE bags of chips (they're about of third of what was there before the "Santo Relajo" event!), pingpong equipment, 50 hot dog buns and 6 kilos of hot dogs crammed into the freezer, and a vast array of random youth-game stuff. 

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