Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Centro and the Fair-Booths

JP and I have both been sick for a while - stomache stuff.  Yuck.  And with a bunch of restrictions on what we should and shouldn't eat, we're ready for some yummy stuff!  Just wanted to post a picture of our FAVORITE fair-foods, which should be out in full force in the Centro on sunday!
These ones are from Christmas time...
The sticks are called "Camotes" and are a candy made out of yams.  These are JP's favorite, I don't care so much for them...  The round things are "Gorditas de Nata," or sweet-cream gorditas (instead of corn circles filled with cheese or sausage these are circles of bread made with lots of whole-milk cream and sugar.)  And the snakey thing is a "Pan de Acámbaro."  (bread from the town of Acámbara Guanajuato).  These breads are sweet with pieces of nuts and seseme seeds in them.  When the fair-booths are in the Centro (like 4 times per year) they have ovens set out undertarps in the downtown streets and you can buy these as the come out of the oven.  Mmmmm, now I can't wait for it to be sunday night...  Oh, and they close about 8 blocks of downtown Querétaro on sunday nights now, even if the fair-booths aren't out, to make it family friendly to not have frustrated motorists trying to weave their way through all the families with small kids running through the streets.  I love my city!

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