Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Other Family

Of course being married, we each have two families - Jessica's and Jean Paul's, which are "both of ours' families!"  And you can throw in Delmer and Suyapa and the boys for yet another family to add to the mix. 

But we have another family here in Queretaro - Yola, and her two boys Alex and Ruben.  Yola has been widowed fro about 12 years.  The boys are about our age, and have been good friends with JP for several years.  Yola used to take care of JP when he was sick (before I came along!), and feed him when money was short. 

We've finally crossed the "walk-in-and-snatch-food-out-of-the-fridge-without-asking" point with them, so I think that officially makes us family.  hehe  Yesterday, JP, Yola and I went to the Centro for the Queretaro Easter Festival to get the yummiest bread in the world, and check out the festivities, after having eaten with them for lunch.  Then we watched the lamest "win" of Chivas (most awesomest soccer team) vs. America (yuckiest team in the mexican league) for the rivalry game.  Chivas won, but it was a pretty pathetic game all around.  Yola, Ruben and I  are Chivas fans.  JP and Alex just haven't learned about soccer yet...  :)

Alex, Yola, Ruben, and my favorite dog ever, Chivis.

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