Monday, April 12, 2010

The Guys From Down the Street - Take 2

In January, I wrote about some kids - Enrique and Fernando - who live in the same neighborhood as Angel and siblings who are Christians who go to our church.  Enrique is the guy who introduced himself to us several months ago as if he were in some kind of non-christians annonymous...  hehe.  Anyhow, I'd also mentioned that he's been coming regularly to Metamorphosis group (young adults small group), Infusion, and now and then to sunday morning church service. 

Saturday was Infusion (monthly meeting and hang-out time for the young adults at church, and any friends they invite), and Enrique came.  Our topic was worry... and I was the one leading the discussion... quite fitting.  hehe  When we were all leaving, Enrique stopped me and thanked me for the discussion - that he's been suffering a lot lately from worry about all sorts of stuff, and that knowing that GOD provides a way out of worry by us putting our trust in Him, and "casting all our cares on Him." (1 Peter 5:7) It was nice to see that Enrique's life is being impacted through Infusion.  He's also going to tell a little bit about how his life has been impacted recently, at a breakfast for people who want to join a small group at Horizonte. 

Anyhow, yesterday, I just about thought I was hallucinating when I recognized Enrique's mom and sister, and the parents of Andrea (a girl from that same neighborhood who comes to youth group) in church.  I think Angel's family (they're the Christians who live in that neighborhood) are pretty much evangelists by lifestyle - they just hang out with their neighbors and the next thing you know, they all show up at church!

Please pray for Enrique and his family, and Andrea and her family, that soon, all that they have been hearing about Christ's love will move from their heads to their hearts to change their lives and bring salvation!

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