Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thank You God For This Mess

Ten young adults just left my house.  It's almost 11pm.  There are lots of little tiny bits of colored tissue paper scattered aroung the floor, cups that are sticky with pop, popcorn smooshed on the floor, pieces of Doritos in places that I didn't know Dorito crumbs could get into, and stepped-on salsa drops.

But I LOVE this mess!  Because with those 10 young people - our Metamorphosis small group - we had a GREAT talk about seeking God's will through prayer, and the importance of this in ministry (6 are in some sort of ministry!) and daily life.  Why we don't seek God's will because the issue isn't all that important to us.  And how we know that God's will is in our lives, especially to be like, for example... a missionary.  Enrique asked that question - that how could I (and Justin and Phil, the other missionaries he knows!) just drop life in the US/Australia to move to Mexico.  Enrique is the guy who introduced himself to us several months ago as, "I'm Enrique and I'm not a Christian."  Non-Christians annonymous?  hehe  He asked about the passion needed to actually DO something like that - just dropping everything to go tell people in some other place about Christ.  We were able to explain that that's what a deep relationship with Christ leads to - passion to follow and obey Him.  Enrique now prays.  With us, and about stuff like school stress and girls.  He believes in God.  But he hasn't taken the step to let Christ control his life and let Enrique NOT control his life.  We keep praying for him!

Every now and then, we just have a really dynamic small-group time.  This was definitely one of those.  I want to remember conversations like this when I feel that I'm not involved in anything impacting!  Beacuase I AM involved in impacts - God through me impacts the lives of others!

And, Yetzi, Cris, and I wanted to take a picture of our prayer time tonight - we divided into pairs (threes for us girls) to pray, and the guys all decided to pray together.  So, picture 8 young, big guys all gathered around my small glass coffee table praying together.  That's the picture that I would've put here.

And for that, I'll be smiling at 6:30 tomorrow morning when I start cleaning up this mess!

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