Sunday, March 21, 2010

Two Steps In The Right Direction

Our friend Jorge, who I think we may have mentioned before, as been making some decisions lately...  He and his girlfriend have/had a really messed up relationship.  Both Jorge and his girlfriend work with JP, and they're our age, so about a year ago we started hanging out with them.  Jorge began coming to Jean Paul with situations regarding his girlfriend, ex-wife, etc.  JP always told him that there will be no advice given in this house that doesn't come straight from the Bible.  Jorge always said that was fine, but the whole "Bible thing" isn't for him, but that JP could get good advice from it. 

About 2 months ago, things took a turn for even worse with Jorge and his girlfriend.  He began showing up at our house rather late at night, looking for JP to talk with him.  It got to the point where we had to tell him to please call before coming over; that 11pm is really too late for him to "show up" at our door.  It was getting tiring.  So one of those late-nite time with JP, he asked for "marriage counselling."  Which was weird, but whatever.  We suggested that he talk with  Pastor Martin at our church.  He is now meeting with Martin every week, and is slowly learning about the importance of a relationship with Christ.  Jorge's girlfriend doesn't want him around anymore, and doesn't want to go out with me anymore either.  That was really hard for him to handle, but I'm sure it's for the best.

Jorge came to church today.  We are having a series called "Staying in Love," and I actually felt kind of bad for Jorge because I know he thought that Martin was preaching directly at him - the sermon touched on the exact things that Jorge is dealing with, and Martin knows that from their counselling sessions.  I know that Martin had the sermon prepared well before he knew that Jorge was going to come to church, and LOTS of people have said in the past few weeks that who was telling Martin about their lives because, he was preaching directly to them!  Anyhow, we hope that Jorge continues on this (slow) path to Christ because that's the only thing that's going to help him have hope!!

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