Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Last Week in Queretaro

Our last week in Queretaro was a busy one!  We are very grateful to Walt and DiAne who took us in for THREE weeks while we packed up our house and turned it back in to its owners.  We had some unexpected events during our last week - like a minor operation for me which had us staying about 5 days longer than anticipated (everything went excellent!).

During our last week...

We had nightly prayer services for "Week of Prayer" at Horizonte Church
(and it was COLD!)
Me, JP, and Angie:

We went to the community of Pilares in the State of Mexico (about 2 hours from QRO) with Walt and DiAne, where there is a Compassion International project, and where they are beginning micro-finance courses.
JP, a chicken, and DiAne:

We had our goodbye party at RenovArte Cafe (hosted by our friends Phil and Sandy in their place of ministry!) one Saturday night, and TONS of friends came to hang out with us!
Us with my good friends Karen and Pam!

Alex, JP, me, Job, and Cristina at the cafe!

Some of the people who came to our goodbye party!

Part of my womens' group at Horizonte Church (Angie, Moni, me, Brenda, and Silvia)

And JP got his official diploma from college - he's now a "professional" in International Business.  :)

We had an excellent time hanging out with friends and family in Queretaro.  We'll miss living there for several months, but we'll be back!  

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