Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bienvenidos al USA!

We are here!  After an exciting weekend of a minor operation for me, a good-sized earthquake (6.4!)experienced from JP's dad's 4th floor apartment of in Mexico City, our favorite fried quesadillas in Coyoacan, an all day travel day on Monday, and an immigration official that didn't want to let ME into the USA (I'm still a US citizen!!), we're settling down for a few weeks at my parents house in Salem Oregon! 

We're thankful for God's provision through the past two weeks of craziness, for parents in two countries who let us stay in their  homes at a moment's notice, for Walt and Diane in Queretaro who took us in to their house for three weeks, and for indoor heating! 

No pictures this time, but soon!  :)

A note about the earthquake:
I'd been in 5 good-sized earthquakes in Oregon, California, and El Salvador, but this one beat all.  I'm pretty sure the thing lasted about a minute, and it was the wavy kind, not the bouncy kind.  We (JP, his dad, and I) were in the tv room of the apartment and we got to the door, got the door unlocked (there are three deadbolts on it, all of which open from the inside with a key!) and got to the stair well, at which point the power went out, and being 8pm it was dark.  All the neighbors came out of their apartments too, some of the ladies were screaming and others were calling for their pets.  We made it down to ground level, bumping into lots of neighbors, by the time the quake stopped and the lights came on.  In general, people seemed calm, and thankfully, no one was hurt, and in all Mexico City no one died!

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