Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hey There!

I don't think I'd ever hit the mark of not having blogged for two months.  Well, two months of no blog flew by in February, so I think I owe a post. 
As you (should!) know, we're in USA now.  We have lots to accomplish before moving back to Queretaro - hopefully sometime the beginning of 2013, like, less than 12 months from now... we hope!  But we'll just let God be in control of that one!

So SUPER quick, here's what we've done since coming to the USA!

Celebrated our first Christmas in the USA!

Went to Disneyland!

JP saw snow for the first time!

Went to visit friends in Atlanta and Nashville!

Spent an entire day in the snow in the Cascade Mountains!

God provided all we needed to do all we've needed to do so far.  We've stayed in 7 different housed since leaving our house in Queretaro, and have had the needed transportation to visit the people we needed to visit and go the places we've needed to go. 

What's in the future for us?
JP will be applying for US citizenship, and starting English classes at the local community college.  We'll both be going to International Teams' training in July, and another ministry training in August!
We're also trying to get our financial support up to 100% during this time so we can be fully funded and move back to Mexico once our other tasks are complete!

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