Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Name Game

A somewhat controversial law was passed in Queretaro sometime in the last few years, that has to do with what you can and can't name your kids.  Now, when you register your baby at the courthouse, you must come ready with a name, and if it's not a "common" name, you must bring documentation of where the name comes from and what it means. 

Some people see this as an infringement on their rights, which is understandable.  But the point of the law is that no more kids will develop complexes because of names that are funny/horrible/mean-something-else.  I can appreciate this, as I remember going through junior high in the States in the 90's with my last name...  And my last name isn't THAT bad!

So, supposedly, there shouldn't be anymore people born in Queretaro with names like:
  • Will Smith Garcia
  • Robocop Martinez
  • Michael Jackson Sanchez
  • Jose Superman Lopez (dude's name really IS "Jose Superman!")
Not. Even. Kidding.  There are ACTUALLY people in Mexico with those first/middle names!  People named after other famous people or movie characters.

Then there are these names given to kids, which I think the parents just named the kid the first word they saw when entering the county courthouse to register them...
  • Transito (means "traffic")
  • Email
  • Masiosare ("Mas si osare" - this is a phrase from the National Anthem)
  • Pueblito (means village) this one is especially common among people born in Corregidora country QRO...
  • Usnavy - pronounced oos-NAH-bee (the mom saw the name on a ship - "U.S. Navy")
These are the types of names that you can no longer name your kids in Queretaro.  So, JP and I won't be having a "Superman," or "Email" in our family...

But this law can backfire too.  My friends Ricardo and Ana wanted to name thier daughter "Shalom."  Even though that's not a spanish word nor a mexican name, it's not bad.  And they were told a few times that they could NOT name their daughter Shalom.  Finally, they found some teenage girl born in Queretaro named Shalom, and that proved that it really was a name, so their baby's name is Shalom!

You CAN name your kids names from Mexican history.  The most famous mexican soccer player right now is named Cuautemoc (kwahw-TEH-moke) - an emporer.  And JP's dad always says he should've named JP "Hilhuicamina Xocoyotzin."  (ill-wick-ah-MEE-nah show-coh-JOTE-seen)  In fact, when we go out to eat and you have to give your name to the reception, Vic (JP's dad) always puts Hilhuicamina Xocoyotzin as his name! 

But I don't think we'll use any native Mexican names for our kids either.  Not that it's too important to think of that right now, as we ARE NOT pregnant.  (Why do people always go there?!)

Just thought it was a fun fact about Queretaro!  :)

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