Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The End of an Era

Jean Paul started his college carreer about a month after we started dating in 2007.  So, he's been in school through our entire relationship!  However, this stage of our lives is coming to an end.  JP started his las term of school in May, and will finish in August!  He's finished his practicum, and will do community service (required for all college students) beginning in August.  His graduation will be the beginning of January.  He will be graduating from the UNIVA (Universidad del Valle de Atemejac), with a degree in International Commerce.  We are looking into a busisness opportunity where JP will have a chance to use this degree just a few months from now!

We're thankful that God has provided the opportunity for JP to go to college and graduate at the top of his class.  We're thankful for his dad who has been able to pay for almost all of the school expenses.

We're very excited about JP finishing school!  But it will be a big change for us as well, especially for JP as he'll most likely not be seeing his school friends much.  I'll miss having them in the house too, even though sometimes I'm not thrilled to cook dinner for 5 at 11pm, but I will miss the classmates, who I feel like are MY classmates too!

JP has been in an evvening program for students who work as well as attend classes.  Most of the students, like JP, began college when they were 23 or 24, and several of them are even into their 30's.  This has been an advantage because these are students who are really focused on finishing school well and paying attention to learn every detail necesary to be able to put their learning in action, instead of 18 year olds who are just in college because their parents wanted them to go.

Here's several of JP's classmates, plus me and one of the students' babies, on the day that they took pictures for their diplomas (titulos).  Hence the suits and ties!

(L-R: Jessica, Federico, JP, Maggie (sitting with the baby), Cesar, Gaby, Bruno, Pacheco, Chava, Mary, and I don't know the girl below Mary)

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