Thursday, September 26, 2013

A "Chance" Encounter

The other day, JP and I were walking near our house, and passed a small café that we had passed many times in the past few months.  JP stopped and said that we should go in and see what kind of stuff they have on their menu.  We had just eaten, so I didn't particularly want to stop, but we did.  The café owner was there, and he let us see a menu.  He also mentioned that this was the last day the café would be open - business hadn't been good, so he was closing down that evening.  We lamented that the café would  no longer be around to try the food.  The owner asked us what we did for a living, and we said we were missionaries.  Instantly, his face lit up, and he asked us to please sit down because he wanted to talk with us for a while.  The owner told us that he had heard a few times recently about Christ, in a different way than many people in Mexico will talk about Him (usually it's all about doing good things and saying the right prayers to be able to hopefully go to heaven).  He had heard from somewhere else that "religion" didn't necessarily mean saying rote prayers and following the same ritual in hopes of being good enough to go to heaven.  We assured him that NO ONE can ever be good enough to go to heaven by their own actions - it's only  because of Christ's sacrifice and a relationship with Him that we can spend eternity with God!  We were in the café for quite a while, enjoying Italian sodas, and talking about the owner's spiritual questions.  He mentioned more than once that "fate" had brought us to his café that day.  We prayed for his new business venture in construction, and gave him our contact info, and times/place of our church service at Horizonte.  When we left, he hadn't made a decision to follow Christ, but we could almost see the wheels turning in his head, thinking about all we had talked about. 

It's amazing how God directs our paths to those who are open to hearing about Him!  Nothing is just by chance! 

Cafes are VERY popular in Queretaro!  So much so, that many open and never get off to a good start because the café market is so saturated.  So, like the owner that we talked to, some new cafes barely get off the ground before they are forced to close their doors. 

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