Monday, September 12, 2011

Reading and Learning

I just read a REALLY interesting book - The Unlikely Disciple, which tells about the experience of a non-Christian guy's semester at Liberty University, which is definitely on the ultra-conservative side of Evangelical Christianity.  It was interesting to see what were the things that most struck the author as odd in a conservative Christian community.  Some of the things didn't seen weird to me (like that classes start with prayer, for example).  But others were things that I don't understand either, even after having grown up in a Christian family, and gone to a not-as-conservative Christian college. 

For example, the author mentions that he felt that a lot of Christians (in his experience) don't care about the environment.  Falwell gave a sermon (seriously?!) on global warming in the course of that semester at Liberty, saying that it was a big myth.  Do I think that as Christians we should be concerned about the Earth's environment?  ABSOLUTELY!!  God made everything on the earth for our use, and we should take care of it, so in my opinion, we should use God's earth in a way that's respectful to Him - the Creator of it.  I DON'T think that taking care of the environment is our #1 priority by any means, but it's important!  And in my experience growing up in a Christian environment (mainly in the 80's and 90's) I heard people even laughing, saying that it is dumb to worry about the environment!  That's shameful to me. 

The author had his run-ins with people who were completely ignorant and rude, as well as with those who were really, well, normal.  Reading this book has made me think a lot about how I am viewed as a Christian (especially living in a place where there are VERY few Christians!)  Do people see me as loving and accepting, or as some rude religious fanatic?  I'm pretty sure the "rude religious fanatic" isn't how people see my husband and I, seeing as how we are frequently invited out with people who aren't Christians and even those who don't want anything to do with Christianity.  But they like US as people.  I don't want to be a "religious" person - I want to be someone who truly loves and follows Christ and shares that love with others!  In all I do I want to love others, at the same time not compromising my values or sinning.  Sometimes it's hard to balance that, but we're learning! 

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