Saturday, June 4, 2011


Our friend, Alma, and her husband have been coming over to the house recently to work on Alma's resumé.  She went to school with JP and is looking for a job.  JP and Max, Alma's husband, were making fun of the picture she put on her resumé (here you have to put a picture of you on it), and told her she should change the picture. 

Unbeknownst to Alma, Max and JP DID change her photo.  To this one:

And, instead of going home and opening up her resumé file before sending it to potential employers, she just attached the file as it was when she left our house.  Oops!!  After sending it to one potential employer, she opened the file to see Krusty the Clown in place of her picture!  At least she only sent it to one place... and we figured, hey, maybe they'll call her for an interview just out of curiosity!  hehe!

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