Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting Ready

This week we started making preparations for our trip to the States.  It's still almost 6  months away, but we both absolutely loathe moving.  So we're getting stuff ready for our first garage sale in a couple weeks - selling stuff that we don't use much.  We'll have another one in November for about half of our furniture that we're selling.  It's weird to think of us not living in our house anymore.  It's not actually our house, but it's the only home we've had as a family!
We're looking forward to this adventure of exploring the United States, which will include visits in Oregon, Chicago area, and Atlanta area, and it looks like JP will get his first trip to Disneyland!!
Please pray for us as we continue to make preparations for 6 months away from Mexico - where we will keep the furniture that we're not selling, what to take with us, and where we'll stay for a few weeks after we turn our house over to the owners, where we'll stay in the each city in the States, and what our transportation situation will be like!  Wow, that's a long list!  But we're very excited to take off on this journey of sharing our ministry vision with others!!

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