Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Example of Daughters

Several months ago, I wrote about Pam and Karen, and their baptism here at Horizonte Church
Well, I've been discipling Pam since them (in August), and that has been going well...  She is enthusiastic about learing more about the Bible, and deepening her relationship with the Lord.  Karen works in the mornings and goes to school at night, so I haven't been meeting with her, but Pam shares what we learn together with Karen in their house! 

Pam and Karen's parents were not Christians when I last wrote about this family.  The end of 2010 was an incredibly difficult time for this family - several difficult situations arose, and the dad was getting almost hostile toward people who told him about Christ.  The mom started coming to church in December with Pam and Karen.  One day after church, she asked me to pray with her and her daughters for a difficult family situation.  Pam said she was shocked that her mom asked for prayer!  But that was the beginning of a change in the mom.  She accepted Christ!

A few weeks later, the dad was about at the end of his rope.  He found himself alone and desperate for help.  His siblings have been Christians for years, so he knew of the Message of Salvation.  He knew that he just needed to accept forgiveness from Christ and he would be saved.  So, alone one night, the dad accepted Christ too! 

Now the whole family comes to church on Sundays and you can just see their desire to learn more about Christ!  The parents are kind of shy, but we're introducing them to other couples their age - like Arturo and Fabiola, who have daughters the same age as Pam and Karen and live in the same neighborhood - and are inviting them to a married couples' event on February 12th.  It's really been amazing to see how God is changing this family!

My time with Pam has been great too!  She has so many questions about the Bible - most of which we look up together - and I've been encouraged to study the Bible a LOT more because I realize that I don't know how to answer some of the things she asks!  We have been learing some Bible verses together too, and Pam has her family practice them with her.  They all know John 3:16 now!  :)

Carmelita (friend from church), Karen, and Pam at tacos with the youth group!
I'm SO thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the change that the Lord has brought to this family, and see how GOOD He is!

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