Thursday, January 20, 2011

Enter the Matrix!

Last week we started a series in Infusion young adults's group called "Enter the Matrix."  It's about living for Christ and not being consumed by the world.  Like John 17:15 - "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."  We are to to live in the world.  But we are to live for Christ!  To be an example of HIM to the world that needs Him! 

So on Saturday night, we talked about what we're investing our time in...  School, a good job, a family, owning your own home, etc.  These are all GOOD things, but they shouldn't be THE things that we're living for.  Our number one focus should be Jesus.  We do (some of!) the things that the world says we need to do, but while we're at it, remember that God has put us here to: KNOW Him, GLORIFY Him, to BE LIKE Him, and to TELL others about Him!

Girls at Infusion: (back) Karen, Pam, Ari, Brisa, (front) Carmelita, Alma, Cinthya

We'll continue "Enter the Matrix" for three more sessions! 

 Jean Paul, Ruben, and Dany

Last week we went out to tacos after Infusion!
On February 12th we're doing a service project for an older woman at Horizonte who lives in a metal taco stand.  We'll be fixing the roof and sides of the stand so water doesn't come in when it rains (two of our young guys can weld), water-proofing the areas where the metal siding is hooked together, and painting the whole stand.  Catita, the woman who lives in the stand, sells candy from her taco stand as her source of income.  We hope to raise enough money to: fix up the stand, bring lunch for the young people who go to work and Catita, and buy lots of candies for her to sell, as well as some pretty containers to display them in.  So far we have 4 paint brushes, the caulking needes for the cracks on the outside of the stand, and two large bags for assorted candies.  Some of Catita's friends from the church are donating a little money to help, and we're going to have a car wash to raise the rest! 

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