Monday, August 9, 2010


This week is a big week for us!

Today is our second anniversary! It seems like it's been a LOT less time than that... that means it's been a good two years, right? :) We're going to the restaurant where JP proposed to me for lunch!

Wednesday is JP's last day of classes FOR.EVER.  (Although I have been hearing the word "maestria" passing between JP and his friends... guess what that means...  hehe)  He's graduating as the valedictorian of his major, and probably of the whole class of  2010 in all majors!!!



And late-nite taco runs...
It's been a great 3 years of college!!

Tomorrow and wednesday I'm turning in my documents to become a mexican citizen, taking my mexican history and culture test, and being approved for being able to speak spanish well-enough (they guy who's testing me laughed when I asked him if he thought I speak good spanish - that I should hear some people struggle through making full sentences... and he approves some of them!) 
Please pray for that all goes well in this process...  I have two possible SNAFUs - I have two different names on legal documents: my mexican documents have two last names (my maiden name and my mom's maiden name - that's how they do it here) and the USA documents just have my maiden name (haven't changed to Uribe yet); and, my passport is brand new, it doesn't have any stamps in it, and I need to show stamps for all the times I've left Mexico in the past two years - which has only been twice - and those stamps are in a cancelled passport.  These two things wouldn't be a problem in the US, but here they are VERY strict about ALL documents having the EXACT same name/address/validity/etc. 

Anyhow, we have a lot to be thankful for this week!  God has been good!  And will continue to be too!  :)