Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Day!

About three months ago, a family entered Horizonte and asked about the church.  This family is from Mexico City and was visiting Queretaro.  They have family that lives down the highway from the church.  The Mexico City family brought their Queretaro family members to Horizonte for the second service.  There were three girls - Pam, Karen, and Fernanda.  Pam and Karen are 23 and 20, respectively, and Fer is in elementary school.  Their parents didn't want to come.

Pam and Karen accepted Christ the beginning for 2010 through the influence of their family members in Mexico.  Immediately they were interested in being involved in the young adults' group and coming to the Sunday services at Horizonte.  They are learning a lot about the Bible, and are VERY eager to continue that learning.  

The other day, the three of us went out for crepes (very popular in Queretaro, and VERY yummy!!).  I had told them that Laura, the lady that was discipling me, just moved to the US.  They asked me about eing discipled, what that is, and how they can be discipled.  I'll begin meeting with each of the girls this week!  Unfortunately we aren't able to do a study all three together, as Karen goes to school in the evening and Pam gets off work at 7pm.  

Please pray for Pam and Karen, that they will continue to grow in the Lord.  And for me, that the Lord will speak through me.  I've had some frustrating experiences with discipling in the past year - girls who aren't commited to meeting for a study, or who are too busy going to dance clubs in the evening to meet.  I've been discipling Sandy, and 17yearold for about 2 months now, and that is going well.  And I trust that Pam and Karen will be commited and benefit from our times together!

Both girls were baptized yesterday at Horizonte Church!  I don't have pictures of their actual baptism - I was behind the stage helping them out!  But below is a picture of thir parents (who thanfully came to watch!), aunts, uncles, cousins, and a few friends! 

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