Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Special Wedding!

Phil and Sandy got married on February 7th!  It was a beautiful wedding, and we are happy for them, that they're able to start a life together as a family!

JP and I had fun dressing up for the event as well!  We clean up well!  haha!


  1. Hi Jessica,
    It was great to meet you again at Phil and Sandy's wedding.Yes it was a lovely occasion and we were so glad to be able to be there. I really like reading your blog because I get so much more information than from Phil!!! Not sure how much involvement he has with Infusion, but glad to know that you are keeping on with sharing the 'good news' about Jesus. God bless, love Mary

  2. Hi Mum! hehe!
    It was nice to see you all again too! I hope all is well in Australia!
    I haven't seen Phil and his girls in a while, but I know they're alive and well - Job was telling me that they had a kids' club in their neighbourhood during spring break, I know that is what Sandy loves to do - childrens' ministry - so I imagine that was wonderful for them to be able to do that as a family!
    Thanks for writing, have a wonderful week!
