Monday, February 15, 2010

The Group That Teaches Itself

We've started having small groups (Metamorphosis) among the young adults here at Horizonte instead of a large group every week.  Our large group time (Infusion) will instead be once a month, and we have, so far, one small group at my house on Tuesday nights, and another at the church on Saturday mornings.  Attendence has been low so far, but we'll see how it goes...

Anyhow, last Tuesday was really interesting.  We were only 5 people, but had an excellent time.  I had prepared a lesson - which I HATE sitting there and "teaching," it seems boring - but I prepared one anyway.  And we read the Bible passage for the week, and I looked at my page of points to talk about and questions.  Then, the students began talking about the passage, and ended up touching on every point that I had learned out of the passage to talk about, plus a whole lot more!  So, "teaching" went out the window, and we had a really great discussion about taking action and not just sitting around (the sick guy in the passage, who didn't have anyone to put him in the pool, did he even TRY to shimmy himself over to the pool and fall in when the water was stirred?  And, imagine the FAITH that it would take to actually fall into the pool, hoping that you really would be healed upon touching the water, so you don't drown...  that taking action requires FAITH.  And another point about Jesus "disobeying" the Pharisees' skewed law about not picking up a mat on the Sabbath, and how we should obey God over our earthly authorities if they tell us to do things that are in opposition to what we know GOD wants us to do...)  It was really a good time of learning together.

Tonight we'll meet again.  I'm  hoping for a few more people to come, but that with whoever comes we'll have an interactive time of learning from the Bible again!

I've been really bad about taking, and especially UPLOADING pictures recently... hence the lack of pictures in the past few posts...  I'll do better soon!

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