Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Linguistics, Coffee, and Christ

Last week, JP and I had the opportunity to help out our friends Phil and Sandy, who also work with International Teams, with a new aspect of their cafe ministry to college students.  They run a super cool coffee shop - RenovArte - right in front of the Arts buildings of the main campus of Queretaro State University.  This university has around 25,000 students studying at several campuses in Queretaro. Phil and Sandy were asked to "sponsor" the Mexican Association of Applied Linguistics seminar at the Linguistics campus on the outskirts of town (not the campus their cafe is near), as 500 students and staff from around Mexico, and even some from other countries, would be coming to the campus for three days, and surely they would want coffee.  "Sponsoring" an event like this doesn't mean donating a service, just being there and selling your goods.  So this was a great opportunity for them.  So, since they couldn't leave their main campus cafe understaffed, JP and I, and three other girls, went to help out.

Ere (a student at the Linguistics campus, also works evenings at RenovArte), Sandy, Phil, and Jessica

The event went from 8am to 8pm for three days, and A LOT of seminar attendees were dragging by the first evening because there was just so much going on.  Espresso was very popular!  The students could choose one of 5 classes being offered during a block of time (I wish I could've gone to some of them!), or opt to skip a class block.  Several of RenovArte's regular customers who were at the seminars stopped by, as well as many people from outside of Queretaro.  However, those who study all the time at the Linguistics campus were very interested in having a RenovArte branch at their campus, so that could be a future plan!

Most importantly, we were able to chat with some of the students who were on lunch break, or had opted to skip a class block.  JP talked with one teacher who had survived cancer, about Eternal Life in Christ.  Several people, upon learning Phil was originally from Australia, asked why he had moved to Mexico, and he was able to share his desire to see the youth of Mexico know Christ.  Some of the Queretano students showed interest in stopping by the RenovArte location at the main university campus to talk more.  And that's what the ministry is about - sharing faith in Christ with students in a way that they know He is relevant in their lives.

JP and Phil serving customers

Phil and Jessica making paninni sandwiches

It was a tiring few days, but also a lot of fun!  This event may have been a step in the direction of opening up a second RenovArte - at the Linguistics campus - and building relationships with more young people.  JP and I were glad to be a part of it!

Enjoying coffees before disassembling the cafe

I was also excited to be able to try out my beginner's Portuguese with a girl who came to the seminars from Brazil!  I could understand her just fine, so maybe I'm doing better than I thought!  heehee! 

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