Sunday, July 7, 2013


What do YOU think of when you hear the term "storage unit?" 
This is what I thought of:
JP and I *may* have watched a *few* seas, er, episodes of this show while in the US...  heehee!

That's what I thought of when thinking of a "storage unit."

And then we called up the lady who's in charge of the storage unit that we still have here in Queretaro.  A simple call to make sure we were up to date on the payment, turned into an invitation for us.  The lady who runs the storage unit facility where we had our stuff stored during our time in the States asked if we could come out some day to talk to her about Jesus.  Wait, WHAT?! 

A quick background on our storage unit: we left our friend Luis in charge of "paying the lady" for us each month.  He is super busy, so he had a guy who works for him - Nacho - go out and make the payment.  The "Lady" got to know Luis and Nacho, and somehow a conversation got started over the course of several months about how they are Christians, and we - the people who's stuff is in the storage unit - are missionaries.  She started asking them about Christ.  And of course they shared with her.  So when we called up the other day about the payments, she asked if we could come and talk with her about questions she has about Jesus/the Bible/etc.  Um, YES!  Unfortunately, they storage units are outside of Queretaro, and there is no public transportation that will take us there.  But, we're going to be borrowing a car to go out there because this is pretty important!  How many times do you get someone you hardly know asking if you can come talk to them about Jesus?!  We'll definitely be making a way to take this opportunity!

Side note: I want to know how some of those storage units in California stay so clean inside...  Ours is well-packaged boxes and some furniture, and after a year and a half, there's a good half inch of dust on EVERYTHING!  Brandi NEVER ends up dirty while looking through a unit, and I was filthy after opening the two boxes that had my essential kitchen stuff in!  haha!

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