Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Every first saturday of the month we have Infusion – the large-group meeting of young adults at Horizonte and their invited friends.  In March, we talked about praise and worship.  WHAT is it, WHY we do it. 
We had a guest speaker, Charlie, and an extended time of worship through music.  We also had an activity where each group of four people had to make a musical instrument, that is NOT a drum, out of some junk that we had laid out for them.  Each team ended up making 3 or 4 instruments (some drums were included) such as flutes, a little finger piano, and a guitar. 

Various students playing their instruments:
Josue, Angel, Juan and Brisa with a plastic guirro, a cardboard and string guitar, and balloon/coffee bean percussion

Justin, Andrea, Charlie, and Job (My team, which had a huge advantage since Job is a professional musician and Charlie plays a few instruments too!) demonstrating a coke-bottle percussion instrument, a finger piano, a styrofoam and rubber-band guitar, and a flute.
Alex and Cinthya (where’s the rest of their group!?) demonstrating a 3-liter pop bottle guitar, and a paper, string, and bean percussion instrument that makes various sounds

I personally was a little discouraged as it seemed like a lot of the students weren’t all that interested in learning or interacting with the theme.  But we hope that there may be more interest in learning and participating (In MORE than just the musical activity) in the future!

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