Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Living Life Together

A big part of discipling others is learning about God's Word together.  Our Thursday night studies on the Life of Christ is exactly for that.  We enjoy going through Christ's life chronologically, and seeing how His teachings apply to our lives.

Another part of discipling is just living life together.  This means walking together through the good and the bad, the fun times and the sad times.  Thankfully, we've had the opportunity to share a lot of fun times with our discipleship group! Going out for tacos, to the movies, to play "futbolito" (fooseball), to hang out in the homes of the other group members, etc. 

Some of us drinking hot drinks on a cold afternoon

Having an improptu fooseball tournament after watching Avengers!

We are thankful to be able to have these good time with this group of people that God has allowed to become great friends!

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