Monday, March 9, 2015

Blessings from Costa Rica

In 2009, a few people from International Teams Costa Rica came to Queretaro and did a short training on the Life of Christ discipleship (which is where we are pulling our chronological study of the Life of Christ from for our discipleship group).  Among those who came were Luis and Marcia.  They are near our age, and we became friends with them.  Ever since Luis and Marcia were in Queretaro the first time, they have had a burden to come back long-term/permanently to disciple men and women here.  As I know we've mentioned many times, there are very few people in Queretaro who have a relationship with Christ.  

The beginning of 2014, Luis and Marcia began meeting with JP and I going over the Life of Christ study and discipling us.  Well, the end of February 2015, God allowed them and their daughter Valentina to move to Queretaro!  They are working with another I.T. team in the coffee ministry, and we are so happy that they are here!  They will be a blessing to the coffee team, and we are excited to be able to meet with them face to face too!

Over the past year, JP and I have showed MANY pictures of our FAVORITE taco place to Luis, Marcia, and Valentina... This past Sunday, we got to go there with them.  They said the pictures we showed don't even do the food justice, it's WAY better than they could've imagined!  haha!

They also accompanied us to celebrate Judith's (JP's mom) 75th birthday.  Judith has been praying for this family for the past 5 years that the Lord would allow them to come back to QRO!

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