Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Itacate (ee-tah-KAH-tay)

The great thing that happens in Mexico when you go to a large meal at someone else's home.  The doggie bag.

If you're invited to someone's home for a meal and there are a lot of leftovers, the hostess may prepare an ITACATE for everyone to take home with them.  This generally consists of a few disposable containers full of several dishes that were served that day (and sometimes some other random thing from the hostess' fridge, or at least that's what happens to us when we go to JP's grandma's house!)

A good Mexican wife must have her stash of these in the house for preparing itacates:
Yogurt and sour cream containers, any type of disposable, yet reusable dish is great for sending guests home with salads, rice, meat dishes, desserts, or whatever was served at your home.  The guest gets another meal out of it, the hostess doesn't have loads of food clogging up her fridge, and the guest doesn't need to bring the dish back!  This is win-win in my book!  :)

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