Thursday, June 26, 2014

Every Four Years...

Every four years, this exciting time comes around in Mexico.  (No, it's not presidential elections).  It's THE WORLD CUP!! 
The vast majority of the world sits in front of TV screens at home, in restaurants, in parks, etc. to cheer on their country's soccer team, or their favorite team if their country didn't go.  Events are rescheduled, school (and sometimes work) is skipped.  (Imagine if the Super Bowl happened once a week for a month, and wasn't necessarily on Sunday evening.)  Mexico is VERY enthusiastic about this event, and so are JP and I, even though we haven't been into regular season Mexican League soccer in the past few years.
Each country that goes to the World Cup is guaranteed three games.  Mexico and the US have both played their three, and will each get at least one more.  We're rooting for both of our countries, as well as Costa Rica (doing VERY well, and is also moving forward) and Honduras (unfortunately did not move forward). 

Here's just a little of the excitement! 

We went to a park in downtown Queretaro to watch one Mexico game.

Cheering on Honduras and USA, watching games by internet

We watched another Mexico game with friends at a cafe

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