Monday, February 10, 2014

Coffee Time!

JP and I had the opportunity to help out at RenovArte Cafe - the ministry place of our friends Phil and Sandy - for six weeks while they were in Australia visiting family.  If you didn't know from previous posts, RenovArte exists, not only to provide great coffee and treats to local college students, but mainly to build relationships with them and share about a relationship with Christ.

JP was in charge of finances and buying product for the cafe during six weeks.  This was way more time-consuming than we had imagined, but it was a really great experience!  Apart from our main ministry activities, at least one of us was at RenovArte each day for a couple hours to make sure all necessary items were in stock, and sometimes to help take orders and serve the things that we know how to make, like sandwiches.  I (Jessica) also got involved in the English conversation group for a group of business men and women that Phil started.  I am happy to be able to continue this even though Phil and Sandy are back from their first trip to Australia in over three years!  (Phil is Australian and his family lives there).  They returned the end of January, and we are now back to "normal" ministry activities.  But we love to drop in and have a good coffee at RenovArte, or take someone who we are sharing Christ with for a good atmosphere to chat.

Me with some of the cool staff at RenovArte!

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