Thursday, October 17, 2013

Going to "Edgar"

JP and I have been going to a particular economical "home cookin's" restaurant since probably before we started dating.  The place has a name, but we just call it "Edgar," because that's the owner's name.  Edgar and his wife, Monica, make the BEST healthy-ish Mexican food ever!  They've had so much business over the years that they now have three locations, and also provide the food to feed the illegal immigrants housed at Immigration every day (that's a whole nother blog topic...)

Shortly after we returned from the US in June, we noticed that Monica was wearing a scarf over her head all the time, and had lost a lot of weight.  Then we found out that she had cancer and was going through chemo.  We prayed with her and Edgar before she went to her operation in Mexico City.  They believe in God, but have always been taught that you can get to heaven by being good and partaking the sacraments.  They were wary of "salvation by grace."

Yesterday, we went back to Edgar after about a month of not going.  Monica had her hair in a cute curly girly style, and her operation had been a success, she is cancer free!  We thanked God with her that He cured her.  We also mentioned that we are going to be starting a Bible study with business owners in mind, and we'd like to invite her and Edgar.  Monica was VERY interested in this.  She said she knew it was good to read the Bible, but she just doesn't know how to understand it.  This is the same thing that Guadalupe, the storage unit administrator who accepted Christ with us, had said.  So the we're thinking the focus of the study first should be about how to and why read the Bible. 

Please pray that we may soon have a place to meet (like the living room of our house, or someone else's house) for this important study for business owners!  And thank God with us that Monica's cancer is GONE!  :)

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