Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back in Town!

Queretaro, that is!

Our first two weeks in Queretaro were filled with lots of phone calls to classified ads announcing places for rent, and driving all over our vastly larger-than-when-we-left city looking high and low for a place!  We finally decided to rent a room and bathroom until we find the perfect house to rent.  It's a big room, and there are abot 10 other similar rooms in the same area that all have the same gated entrance.  We all have our own bathroom, but share the same kitchen.  All the other renters are very nice and respectful - something that can be hard to find!  We're thankful to have found this place, and will stay here while we look for a house in the next couple months.

It  has been GREAT to see friends again here in Queretaro!!
Jessica with Karen and Pam at a crepe cafe!

We've also been able to get together with some of the people we'd been sharing Christ with before going to the States!  They are eager to meet up again, which has been encouraging!
This week, after setting into our temporary room, we were able to focus more on ministry and begin a plan for what this all will look like.  It's exciting! 
Much more to come in the nex few weeks!
We'll also be sending out an email update, and we put more details in those, since they aren't public on the internet.  Let us know if you want to receive those!

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