Wednesday, January 2, 2013


This was our second holiday season in the United States - it was good to be able to spend it with my family again!  We spent Christmas morning with Rick and Barb, had Christmas lunch/dinner with the Lanes, then went to the church where we opened it up for anyone who may not have had Christmas plans to come to and enjoy dessert and games!  We ended up having a whole meal at the church, as a family brought their Christmas soup, which is has noodles and fish in it, and also rice and kimchi!  It was yummy! 

 Rick and Barb

For New Years, JP and I went to hang out with a few other families - again eating Korean food, which neither of us had ever had before Christmas this year - playing lots of games and talking until midnight.  The next day, we had the Gillette family (my mom's side) party.  It was good to see aunts, uncles, and cousins again!

New Year's Eve dinner
Gillette family party!

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