Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The main thing that I knew I would miss in Mexico during our time in the States was our awesome friends.  (You thought I was going to say tacos, didn't you!)  Amistad (ah-mee-STAHD) means friendship. 
Things change in a year (or 15 months most likely, by the time we get back).  We missed the wedding of Pam, one of my best friends, and her new husband David.  Our good friends Phil and Sandy, and Ruben and Brenda are having babies in the next couple months.  They weren't even pregnant when we left.  I see Facebook pictures of our friends having a great time all together, and we aren't in them.  It's been hard. 

But God has provided for us in that area during our time here.  We have the most awesomest small group ever!  We were just three couples for a few month, and now a new couple has joined, and a single young lady has been attending too, taking our total up to nine!  I feel blessed that God has brought these people into our lives!  When we first started going to a small group, I told myself not to get too attached to everyone since we'll be leaving to go back to Mexico.  Well, I got too attached.  But that's ok.  I know we'll have to leave, but we'll see them when we come to visit (and when they come to visit us, hint hint!)

Here's a few pictures of good times we've had as a group over the past several months:

When we went to see the midnight showing of Avengers when it came out:
(Note Brooke's big bag - it was full of trail mix and other snacks to take into the theater.  JUST like we do in Mexico!  haha!)
Making smores in the backyard (JP learned Reeses peanut butter cup smores here!)

And most recently, FryDay - where the guys all got together and fried all kinds of junk!

Frying Twinkies:
Fried stuffed jalapeños (I got to try these and they were GREAT!)

 Frying in the garage!  Us girls went hung out with the kids and ordered in Olive Garden that day - Yummy!

We also pray for each other and look at the Bible together!  (It's just not condusive to take pictures of that!)  We've been looking at 1 Corinthians the past couple months, which has been a good learning experience. 

I am so thankful for our friends in the States.  Yes, it will be hard to leave now.  But they'll just have to come visit!  :) 

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