Friday, May 11, 2012

Other People Like Me

It's been hard to be in the States for the past 5 months.  Nothing bad has happened or anything, but I'm just not very gringa-ish anymore.  Like maybe I don't "fit" here.  (<-- definitely requires "finger quotes" with the word "fit") 

Anyhow, another missionary friend, who's been in the States for almost a year, had this excellent idea to get together all the missionaries, former missionaries, and future missionaries from our church, and just... hang.  We've met twice now, and it's bee neat to see what God is doing in everyones' lives.  We have people who are back in the States somewhat permanently, others who are back and going to move to a new country, others who are in the process of becoming missionaries, and some who are called to be missionaries, and JP and I who are just in a weird place.  And everyone has stories of how God is working in their lives.  (Well I suppose we ALL should have those stories!)  But it's been cool to get to know more people like me, who may be just a little out of place, but want to follow what God has next for them!  :)

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