Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brief Update!

Wow it's been a LONG time since we've posted anything on the blog!  We're in the process of moving right now!  A week from today we move out of our house and in with our friends Walt and Diane.  Then off to Mexico City for a week, then on to Oregon for Christmas and New Years!  After that we'll be doing a good deal of travelling in the States.  Of course we'll have more info as we get a more concrete schedule!

Highlights of this week:
  • We were able to meet with a local polititian and his wife to give them a Bible and share a bit about Christ!!  I've been going to their home 4 days a week to help their daughters with their Englsih homework, but we had bee praying about meeting with them to share about Christ.  More about that if you get our newsletters!
  • We sold our car yesterday at a REALLY good price!
  • Today is the 1st anniversary of our friends Phil and Sandy's cafe ministry to college students!  The ministry is growing bunches!  We'll be at their celebration tonight!
I unfortunately haven't taken many pictures in the past few weeks, but I'll leave you with this one from a brief trip to Tequisquiapan (try pronouncing THAT!)  a couple months ago:

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