Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to the States

No, not us...  hehe

Our friends Steve and Laura, and their girls are moving back to the States.  They've lived here in Queretaro for TWELVE years; their girls are more mexican than anything...  But, it's time to go.

Laura has been discipling me for the past several months, and JP has met with Steve frequently as well.  So we'll miss them a lot!

Laura, Mary, Steve, Audrey, (Jorge, who snuck in the photo!), Jessi, and JP

Also, the "Back to the States" title probably will be applying to us, on a short-term basis, here in the next  year or so...  I'm in the process of becoming a mexican citizen, and after I receive citizenship we'll probably be making the rounds to Oregon and Atlanta (and we'd love to go to Chicago, Minneappolis, Northern California, and Disneyland too!  hehehe!) 
Please be praying for my citizenship process.  From that we've heard, it actually costs less that a visa renewal, but takes 8 months if you have all your documents ready...  This will save us hundereds of dollars per year not having to pay for my residency anymore!

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