Friday, February 11, 2011


Just a while ago I was sitting here at the computer and heard sirens entering our neighborhood.  I could tell that they were really close behind our house, and went out to see what happened.  In the next condominium complex over there was a house on fire.  That particular house in the complex is at the very back, and there is no place for a vehicle to come within probably 30 feet of the house.  So the firemen went in with neighbors' garden hoses and buckets... they didn't even turn on the fire hose.  Some neighbors from our condominium complex told the firemen that they could get the truck right up next to the burning house.  One fireman asked to use my neighbors' ladder to climb the fence into the patio of the burning house.  I was there more than 5 minutes watching the house burn and the firemen try to figure out what to do.  They finally brought the truck around to our complex and put the fire completely out... after having to break windows and have A LOT of the family's stuff burnt.

This really takes away a lot of faith in the fire department for me...

One thing you have to understand about house fires in Mexico is that the houses are built out of concrete blocks, rebar, and plaster, so at least the house structure withstands most fires.  But I imagine that the family's furniture and most everything in their home is ruined...

Everyone got out of the house fine...  A small boy found a lighter in the house and went to go play in the closet.  With the lighter.  You can probably imagine that the clothes caught on fire, then the closet doors, etc.  The dad tried to put the fire out himself but it got too far out of hand and they called the fire department.  I feel so bad for the family because it took about half and hour for the fire to be properly put out!  And, most people who live in these condominiums don't exactly have a lot of extra money lying around in case of emergency, so who knows how they'll put their house back together.  JP and I are going over there now to see if we can help them...  donate bedding, clothes, etc...  Please pray for the family with the burnt house.  We also want to use this opportunity to share Christ's love with them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Graduation Time!

JP has his graduation and graduation party last week!  We went out to dinner after the graduation with a bunch of friends who'd been with us through all the joys and challenges of school.  Then saturday was the party with JP's school friends!  It was a blast!

Classmates before the graduation ceremony


With Luis and Sandy

JP's dad

The guys in JP's class at the graduation party!
Cesar, Bruno, Fede, Chava, JP, Pacheco

JP, Chava, Elena, Cesar, and Pacheco enjoying the food

Bruno, who spent lots of time in our house over the past few years