Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Milpa Alta

We got be be tourists this week in Mexico City... a place that doesn't at ALL look like Mexico City - Milpa Alta.  This is a part of the city that has a very small-town feel to it, in fact, it's a lot of farm land.  Nopal cactuses and chiles are grown in Milpa Alta.  It's also well-known for it's mole (MO-lay) sauce, which is one of my personal favorites!

Here we are looking out over part of Milpa Alta

And these were probably the best mole enchiladas I've ever eaten - black, green, and red moles!

Then we were randomly in a mall by JP's dad's house one afternoon and Kikin Fonseca - who used to play soccer for the Mexican National Team - was there...  So of course we had to get a picture!  hehe!