Monday, September 22, 2014

Discipleship Time

We've been having our Thursday night discipleship group for two months now.  We are studying the life of Christ with several people who are either new Christians, or are not Christians.  It has been neat to be able to explain how to read the Bible, and see how each person is able to pick something that they learned to apply to their lives (we hope they actually WILL apply them to their lives!) 

I don't feel like I should post pictures of the group study on a public website, but we DO (of course!) have dessert each night, and this is the kind of thing we prepare each Thursday for those who come:

Coke, Jamaica water, tea, "coffee" (Yep, being an Oregonian, Nescafe must have the finger quotes around it to be considered "coffee") and that particular week I made an apple/peach coffee cake.

Aaaand, this is what my kitchen looks like at 11pm...

I'm kind of *ridiculously* OCD when it comes to my kitchen, but I LOVE having a mess on Thursday nights, it means we had a good time together after the study!

We are studying step by step the life of Christ, and are to when Satan temps him in the desert this week.  Please pray that those who come will grow in their walk with Christ, and anyone who has not accepted Christ may make the decision to do so.  Thanks!